University Program
Program Overview
The University Programs at Ramapo Indian Hills provide selected high school students with a unique four-year high school experience that includes specialized study and full participation in their school’s academic, athletic, and extracurricular life. University Program students pursue independent research, analyze solutions to real-life problems, propose and defend ideas in seminars, and participate in program related structured learning experiences and colloquiums.
All highly motivated eighth grade private and public school students residing in Franklin Lakes, Oakland, and Wyckoff are eligible to apply to any of the University Programs at RIH.
Special admission criteria for individual University Programs are included within each program's information webpage. In addition, all applicants should possess:
An expressed interest and commitment to the Program
An academic record of "B" or higher in all courses in the seventh and eighth grades
Teacher and counselor recommendations
Grade Requirements
Students who enroll in a University Program are expected to maintain satisfactory or better academic performance in each of the University Program courses (courses designated "UP"). Satisfactory performance requires marking period grades of C- or higher. Unsatisfactory performance (marking period grade of D+ or lower) will result in University Program probationary status for the remainder of the school year. An unsatisfactory final grade in a University Program course may require the student to withdraw from the University Program.