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Proof of Residency

Policy 5111 Eligibility of Resident/NonResident Students

Please provide supporting material based on residency status:

Standard Residency - student lives with parent/guardian whose permanent home is located in Franklin Lakes, Oakland or Wyckoff.

  1. Please provide a deed, lease*, affidavit of title, or current mortgage statement
  2. Two current utility bills
  3. Student's Birth Certificate
  4. Parent / Guardian Drivers License

Affidavit Student - student lives with someone other than parent/guardian who resides in Franklin Lakes, Oakland or Wyckoff.

  1. Completed Form 2a: Residency Affidavit-Parent
  2. Completed Form 2b: Residency Affidavit-Resident
  3. Documentation that supports Form 2a
  4. A deed, lease* affidavit of title, or current mortgage statement of resident; provided annually
  5. Current, dated utility bill in resident's name. If bill is not in resident's name, please provide two (2) pieces of legal mail in accordance with the Proof of Residency List.

Temporary Residency - student lives with parent/guardian temporarily residing in district.

  1. Completed Form 3a: Temp Residency Affidavit-Parent
  2. Completed Form 3b: Temp Residency Affidavit-Resident
  3. Documentation that supports Form 3a
  4. The resident's current deed, lease*,  affidavit of title, or current mortgage statement
  5. Four (4) Proofs that demonstrate that you are residing at the address given on the Student Registration Form.

* If no written lease exists for proof of residency, Residency Affidavit 1 must be completed.

During the registration process, an initial determination of eligibility for enrollment will be conducted in accordance with NJAC 6A:28-2.6 et seq.  The initial determination of eligibility will be made upon presentation of your  application, and enrollment will take place in all cases except those of clear, uncontested denials.  Where an applicant has provided incomplete, unclear or questionable information, enrollment will take place immediately, but the applicant will be placed on written notice that removal will result if defects in the application are not corrected or an appeal is not filed.