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Step-By-Step Instructions

All new transfer students are required to register in order to enroll into Ramapo or Indian Hills High School.  

Starting with the 2024-25 school year, all incoming students, including all 8th graders from the FLOW district (Franklin Lakes, Oakland & Wyckoff), are required to register.  The registration/enrollment process will allow the student to select the high school, make elective course selections and review recommended course placement.

Parent and/or legal guardian must complete and provide the following as part of the initial registration/enrollment process:

Below are additional requirements for transfer students from outside the FLOW district (Franklin Lakes, Oakland or Wyckoff).

Step-By-Step Instructions:

Step 1 - Gather the Necessary Documents

Please have the following documents ready PRIOR to starting your registration:

  1. Proof of Residency (e.g. deed, lease or mortgage statement)
  2. Two (2) utility bills.
  3. Student’s birth certificate
  4. Parent/Guardian drivers license

These documents may be uploaded as jpg or pdf.

Step 2 - Start the Open Registration Process

Go to to begin.

Answer the security question and set up a temporary registration account to begin the registration.  

Step 3 - Register Students

In the REGISTRATION tab: Click Add Student.  Enter all required information, then click Save Student at the bottom of the page.

After saving, you may Add Another Student or click to Advance to Next Screen.

Step 4 - Enter Contact Information

In the CONTACT INFORMATION tab: Click on Add Primary Address and Primary Parent/Guardian to enter information for Guardian(s) and Emergency Contact(s).

NOTE: At least one Guardian and one Emergency Contact is required for each student. A phone number is required for each contact. If you do not have a landline, please use a mobile number as ‘Home'. 

Once completed, click on Advance to Next Screen to proceed to the next step

Step 5 - Upload the Necessary Documents

In the DOCUMENTS tab:  you must upload all of the documents marked as Required.

Click Select Docs to load the corresponding document.  The documents can be jpg or pdf format.  Once you finish loading the documents, click on Advance to Next Screen to proceed to the next step

Step 6 - Complete Home Language Survey

In the HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY tab:  Click Begin Survey, answer all questions, then click Finish to complete the language survey.  

Once completed, click on Advance to Next Screen to proceed to the next step.

Step 7 - Review and Finalize Your Student Registration

In the FINALIZE tab: Please verify your submission.  You can go back to each section via the left navigation menu to make any edits.  After your have verified your entries, click Finalize Registration Information to finalize the registration process.