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RIH Special Education Programming

Ramapo Indian Hills Special Services staff believes in the success of all children. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive atmosphere in which each child can attain his or her full potential. Learning is an individual process in which each child has the best chance of developing academically, socially, and emotionally. We attempt to build on individual strengths while also identifying areas that require additional assistance.  As a result, we have developed specialized programs that are tailored to the specific needs of our students.

The Continuum of Programs & Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):

LRE is a principle that guides a student's education curriculum, not a location. Because each student is unique, the LRE for each child may differ. It is a requirement that students with disabilities be educated alongside nondisabled peers to the greatest extent possible and acceptable, and that they be removed from the general education setting only if their education cannot be achieved effectively even with supplemental aids and services.

The IEP Team collaborates to assess the student's learning profile and areas of strength before deciding which programs and services are appropriate for the specific subject area. Consideration of progress toward the student's goals and objectives assists in determining when a less restrictive learning environment may be required to fulfill the student's needs. Additional academic support is frequently available to students in less restricted settings, and your case manager is the best person to contact to learn more about your student's least restrictive options. (ref. NJAC 6A:14/Special Education New Jersey Administrative Code).