Emergency Procedures

Emergency Snow Closing

    When the Ramapo Indian Hills High Schools are closed due to an inclement weather, the following procedure/notification will be in effect:

    • A reverse 911 phone call will be made to the student's home phone number.
    • Announcement of the School Closing will be posted on the District homepage (http://www.rih.org) .
    • There will be a recorded announcement on the school phone numbers on ext. 7070.

      Ramapo High School - (201) 891-1500 ext. 7070
      Indian Hills High School - (201) 337-0100 ext. 7070
      Board of Education Office - (201) 416-8100 ext. 7070 

    • The corresponding Snow Closing announcement will be available on our Snow Hotline: (201) 848-7669 (848-SNOW). PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SPECIAL NUMBER FOR SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION ONLY. IT IS NOT THE REGULAR SCHOOL NUMBER.
    • Radio Stations WCBS and 1010 WINS will broadcast the closing.
    • Postings will be on television station Channel 12/News12 New Jersey, Optimum Channel 612, news12.com, FiOS1 News - Channel 501, Verizon TV Channel 1.
    • If school is closed due to inclement weather, ALL after school and evening activities will be canceled.

Delayed Openings

    When there is a DELAYED OPENING, the following procedures/notification will be in effect:

    • A reverse 911 phone call will be made to the student's home phone number.
    • Announcement of the Delayed Opening will be posted on the District homepage (http://www.rih.org).
    • There will be a recorded announcement on the school phone numbers on ext. 7070.

      Ramapo High School - (201) 891-1500 ext. 7070
      Indian Hills High School - (201) 337-0100 ext. 7070
      Board of Education Office - (201) 416-8100 ext. 7070

    • The corresponding Delayed Opening announcement will be available on our Snow Hotline: (201) 848-7669 (848-SNOW). PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SPECIAL NUMBER FOR SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION ONLY. IT IS NOT THE REGULAR SCHOOL NUMBER.
    • Radio Stations WCBS and 1010 WINS will broadcast the closing.
    • Postings will be on television station News12 New Jersey, Optimum Channel 612, news12.com, FiOS1 News - Channel 501, Verizon TV Channel 1.
    • All bus routes will be the same, and each route will begin its run two and a half (2.5) hours later than the normally scheduled time.
    • Early in the afternoon, a decision will be made as to whether or not afternoon and evening activities will be held.

Delayed Opening