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Newly Approved:  2025-2026 Program of Studies


Ramapo Indian Hills is excited to announce the launch of our Curriculum Preview Website, featuring the updated curricula for the 2024-2025 school year. We are committed to providing a diverse array of course offerings and maintaining transparency in our curriculum.

Throughout the Spring and Summer, our dedicated teachers and supervisors have been diligently evaluating and revising curricula to align with the latest State standards in English and Mathematics. Additionally, we have undertaken revisions to support new courses in Special Services, Science, World Languages, and for Multilingual Learners. These updates are expected to be approved by the end of August for implementation in the upcoming school year.

On the Curriculum Preview Website, you will find:

  • Curriculum Update List: This list outlines the project completion dates for various courses and will be continually updated throughout the summer as revisions progress. All revised curricula will be posted on the Curriculum Preview Website by the week of July 22nd, and the Curriculum Office will provide further updates once the remaining curricula are completed.
  • Feedback Submission Link: We invite you to participate in our curriculum review process by sharing your questions and feedback via the linked form.
  • Revised Curricula Documents: Each revised curricula is available for preview. Once the curricula are Board approved by the end of August, links to these curricula documents will be posted on the district website.
  • Curriculum Presentations: Department Supervisors have prepared video presentations detailing the revisions to their respective curricula, as well as videos to assist in understanding the curricula. These presentations are available virtually both on the Curriculum Preview Website and the district websitefor your convenience. These recorded presentations replace the planned curriculum presentation at the August 26th Board of Education Meeting. Instead, the presentation at the August 26th meeting will focus on the district’s assessment results for the 2023-2024 NJGPA administration. Access the curriculum presentations via the links below:

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement in shaping the educational programs at Ramapo Indian Hills.