Ramapo Indian Hills Special Services staff believes in the success of all children. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive atmosphere in which each child can attain his or her full potential. Learning is an individual process in which each child has the best chance of developing academically, socially, and emotionally. We attempt to build on individual strengths while also identifying areas that require additional assistance. As a result, we have developed specialized programs that are tailored to the specific needs of our students.
The Continuum of Programs & Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):
LRE is a principle that guides a student's education curriculum, not a location. Because each student is unique, the LRE for each child may differ. It is a requirement that students with disabilities be educated alongside nondisabled peers to the greatest extent possible and acceptable, and that they be removed from the general education setting only if their education cannot be achieved effectively even with supplemental aids and services.
The IEP Team collaborates to assess the student's learning profile and areas of strength before deciding which programs and services are appropriate for the specific subject area. Consideration of progress toward the student's goals and objectives assists in determining when a less restrictive learning environment may be required to fulfill the student's needs. Additional academic support is frequently available to students in less restricted settings, and your case manager is the best person to contact to learn more about your student's least restrictive options. (ref. NJAC 6A:14/Special Education New Jersey Administrative Code).
New Horizon (Ages 18-21)
Students ages 18-21 who have met state graduation requirements but still require more time and skill development before entering independent or interdependence adulthood may be recommended by their IEP team to participate in the New Horizon program (based on data, file review, transition goals, transition plan, etc.). Our 18-21 year old New Horizon program: Provides a focus on curriculum that builds on readiness for employment, independent living skills, and community agency resources; Promotes a welcoming, responsive, and committed to continuous improvement in self-reliance; Provides an environment where students are respected and treated as adults and full partners in the process of increasing independence.
DELTA Program (Grades 9-12) - Developmental Enrichment for Learning and Total Achievement
The DELTA program in collaboration with Bergen County Special Services is designed specifically for students experiencing developmental delays. Our alternative curriculum aligns with state standards, integrating academic content with essential life skills to foster holistic growth. Through a multi-sensory approach, students engage in learning experiences that reinforce language and motor skills, and receive instruction in the same classroom throughout the day, creating a seamless learning environment. State requirements for assessment are met through the administration of the DLM in the 11th grade. We also implement Community Based Instruction to further enhance developmental abilities. Incorporating evidence-based practices and effective teaching strategies, both individualized and group learning experiences are tailored to facilitate the acquisition, retention, and application of skills across various subjects. Our programmatic decisions and progress tracking rely on continuous assessment and data analysis from diverse sources such as VBMAPP, AFLS, and ABLLS. We understand the importance of inclusion, and thus, offer supported inclusion opportunities within our schools and community, ensuring that each student's unique needs and preferences are met.
Transitions Program (Grades 9-12)
Transitions is a hybrid special program class for students experiencing developmental delays, Communication Impairments and more significant Specific Learning Disabilities. Academics are provided by content area and special education certified teachers. There is an alternate curriculum for Science, Math, English and Social Studies that is commensurate with ability and achievement level of students. The Daily Living and Careers classes blend academic skills with functional life skills to assist students' growth and are based on state curriculum standards. Through an integrated methodology, students are taught through multi-sensory approaches to learning while strengthening verbal and communication abilities. Students participate in Structured Learning Experiences and Community Based Instruction to help them develop their abilities. Individualized and group learning, research-based approaches and best teaching strategies are used to enhance skill acquisition, maintenance, and generalization across a wide range of curriculum topics. Ongoing assessment outcomes and data analysis from multiple sources are used to inform programmatic decisions and progress reporting. Opportunities for supported inclusion experiences are accessible in our school and community, and they are tailored to each of our students' choices and preferences.
Resource Room Placement (RR)
This intermediate level replacement program provides instruction of the general education ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies curriculum to children who require a smaller, more structured learning environment. This program provides modified instruction for students who are struggling with the pacing and curricular demands of the general education (CP) classroom. All lessons and classroom activities are differentiated to reach the specific learning needs of all students while maintaining a parallel curriculum to the general education curriculum. This class consists primarily of classified students with moderate learning deficits in the four major content areas.
In Class Resource Instruction (ICR)
Students with disabilities who are part of the ICR program are educated with age appropriate peers in the general education classroom. ICR provides students the opportunity to be educated alongside their non-disabled peers with the support of a special education teacher to assist in adapting and modifying instruction to reteach/reinforce concepts that are taught in the regular education classrooms and provide necessary remediation of skill deficits, as well as, providing accommodations and modifications as per the IEP.
In Class Supplementary Instruction (ICS Grades 10-12)
The Supplemental Instruction program provides support in the general education classroom to assist with implementing IEP accommodations. Supplemental instruction is provided by a certified content area teacher versus a special education teacher. This program is appropriate for students who can function in the general education setting but require mild to moderate support.
Secondary Special Program Class (Grades 9-12)
Secondary special class programs are those that are placed in schools that have any combination of grades six through twelve with an organizational structure that is departmentalized for general education students. In addition to the requirements for instructional size for special class programs, instruction may be provided in the secondary setting of a class organized around a single content area consisting solely of students with disabilities instructed by a general education teacher where an adapted general education curriculum can be used. With the addition of a classroom aide, the instructional size can be increased to 16 pupils. This form of programming is intended to assist specific subjects (for example, Spanish, Physics, and Chemistry) where obtaining a teacher with a special education certification may be challenging or where the learning profile of students are similar and would benefit from a modified pace to classroom instruction. A secondary class program can also assist students who want to transition from a resource replacement program to a less restrictive environment, but may not yet be prepared for ICR or supplemental support.. This program is a “stepping stone” towards functioning in the general education setting and helps prepare students for post-secondary education settings.
Supplemental Support (Grades 9-12)
Students with disabilities who are part of the Supplemental Support program are educated with age appropriate peers in the general education classroom. Supplemental Support provides students the opportunity to be educated alongside their non-disabled peers with the support of a paraprofessional to support the student’s needs as per the IEP. Supplemental Support is not a special education program and can be found in supplemental services in the IEP.
Thrive Program- Specialized General Education Program
The Thrive Program is a school-based counseling and academic support program that offers direct assistance to adolescents and their families. Therapists use a range of effective approaches to help students build skills and strategies for personal improvement. The program is intended to work in partnership with school personnel, and therapeutic treatments are provided in the student's school building. The counselors are trained professionals with backgrounds in youth development, therapy, and case management. The district is currently partnering with Thrive Alliance to supply therapists, and as a result, parents have access to comprehensive wrap-around care through Thrive, a fully-licensed and accredited mental health care company. Additionally, all THRIVE students attend a one period a day class for Study and Organizational skills (5 credits). This allows staff to collaborate with the student and student's teachers to support academic functioning.