Ramapo High School has collaborated with Franklin Lakes Mayor Charlie Kahwaty to highlight the artistic talents of its students, with art now adorning walls at the mayor’s office for visitors to enjoy.
Mayor Kahwaty's vision for the Mayor's office walls is to feature student artwork aligned with Ramapo High School's mission to nurture creativity, resulting in seven student pieces lent to the office. In collaboration with Lauren Gibson, head teacher of Ramapo’s Arts Department, the exhibition showcases the immense talents of local young artists.
"We are thrilled to partner with Mayor Kahwaty to showcase the incredible talents of our students," said Principal Travis Smith. "This collaboration enriches the Mayor's office with creativity, while also empowering our students by giving them a broader audience to appreciate their work."
The current exhibition features the following Ramapo High School students and their artwork:
- Leah Ansh – “Spring Photos”
- Nora Bellantone – “Jazz”
- Caroline Cox – “Digital Illustration”
- Melissa Morasse – “Vector Art”
- Sofia Stella – “Paint Medium Study”
- Brielle Turner – “Spring Photos”
- Cara Woo – “Self Portrait”
“This partnership with Mayor Kahwaty serves as another testament to the dedication of Ramapo High School in supporting its students' artistic endeavors and providing them with impressive platforms in which to showcase their talent beyond the classroom and the school,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. James Baker.