World Languages



Course Descriptions

World Languages offered in the RIH District include Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish.  Four-year world language sequences are available in courses offered at the CPE/Honors/AP Level in French and Italian, at the CP/CPE/Honors/AP Level in Spanish, and at the Honors level in Chinese. 


Both Honor and CPE courses are available in French, Italian, and Spanish starting with the third year of study and will run depending upon course enrollment. Placement in an Honors course is contingent upon teacher recommendation and the Master Schedule.  Students in an honors course will follow a rigorous course of study requiring higher performance levels in aural-oral and written work. The preparation of oral and written reports will be based on original texts and materials, which are an essential part of the honors program; technology will also be integrated into instruction throughout the language program. Many students in the honors program will eventually take the Advanced Placement examination, which is offered during the spring of the Level 5 AP course.


The method of instruction, in all classes, is a proficiency-based communicative approach, integrating interpersonal, interpretive and presentational skills, creating an environment for implementing meaningful use of the language for “real-life” communicative purposes.




This is the first course of a two-year sequence. It is designed for highly self-motivated students with an interest in the Chinese language and culture.  A principally oral-aural method with intensive drills to develop concurrently the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing Mandarin Chinese, the most widely spoken dialect in China. An introduction to the Chinese culture will be immersed into daily activities and will be an essential component of the Chinese 1 curriculum.  Students who wish to enroll in this course may take it concurrently with other language courses.

Prerequisite: Students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This is the second course of a two-year sequence. It is designed for highly self-motivated students with a continued interest in the Chinese language and culture. A principally oral-aural communication approach is used to continue the development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in Mandarin Chinese. Also included are studies of grammar, vocabulary, and idiom development, as well as the culture and history of China. Students enrolled in this course will improve their knowledge of the language through presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication.

Prerequisite: Chinese 1 H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors Program.



This course is only available to those students who are currently enrolled in Chinese 2H. It is designed for highly self-motivated students with a continued interest in the Chinese language and culture. In Chinese 3 Honors, there is an increased reinforcement and development of communication skills already introduced in Chinese 1 Honors and Chinese 2 Honors. Additional emphasis is placed on the ongoing development of reading and writing skills, as well as more in-depth presentations of grammar, vocabulary, and idioms. Students are carefully guided through cultural and historical activities through increased student usage of Mandarin Chinese. Major emphasis is placed upon learning and using the target language in a cultural context. Students enrolled in this course will improve their knowledge of the language through presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication.

Prerequisite: Chinese 2 H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors Program.



This course is only available to those students who are currently enrolled in Chinese 3H. It is designed for highly self-motivated students with a continued interest in the Chinese language and culture. In Chinese 4 Honors, there is an increased reinforcement and development of communication skills already introduced in Chinese 1, 2, and 3 Honors. Additional emphasis is placed on the ongoing development of reading and writing skills, as well as more in-depth presentations of Chinese characters, grammar, vocabulary, and idioms. Students are carefully guided through cultural and historical activities, through increased student usage of Mandarin Chinese. Major emphasis is placed upon learning and using the target language in a cultural context. Students enrolled in this course will improve their knowledge of the language through presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication.

Prerequisite: Chinese 3 H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors Program.




This course is the first course of a four-year sequence.   The course is designed for students new to the study of world languages with exciting themes such as authentic foods, daily life, meeting people, shopping and leisure activities. Students will learn interesting aspects about the French culture and will be able to express themselves in presentational, interpretive and interpersonal modes of communication through reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Communication with real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.



This course is intended for students that have completed the equivalent of French 1 CPE.  Students will improve their knowledge about the French culture and will continue to improve their communication skills through presentational, interpretive and interpersonal modes of communication. Students are exposed to weekend activities, entertainment, French cuisine, describing oneself, authentic foods and shopping. There is a continued emphasis to combine reading, writing, listening and speaking into daily lessons and forms of assessments.   Communication with real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite: French 1 CPE



This course initiates the intermediate level of study and further develops the five basic skills developed in level one and two French.  The students will become more comfortable expressing themselves in the interpretive, presentational and interpersonal modes of communication around themes such as the protection of the environment, the house and home, and travel and summer vacations.  Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite: French 2 CPE



This course is designed for highly self-motivated students with an interest in the French language and culture.  The students will profit from more advanced reading selections and listening practice. Students enrolled in the French 3 Honors course will proceed more rapidly with language structure exercises. The class will be instructed entirely in French. Students in this course will continue to advance their interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication.

Prerequisite: French 2 CPE and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This course is designed to expose the students to a fourth year of study and to continue to develop an increased awareness of the interpretive, presentational and interpersonal skills through reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Emphasis is given to contemporary issues and the vast culture of the French-speaking world; some of the themes include consumer habits, lifestyles, telecommunication, teenage years and media.   Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. This course is not designed to prepare the student for AP French 5.

Prerequisite: French 3 CPE, H



This course is an intermediate/high level course that is designed for those students who have demonstrated a superior aptitude and performance in the development of the major skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening and culture, emphasized in a world languages classroom.  The honors course will progress at a brisk pace and emphasis will be placed on the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication around exciting themes such as health, family life, city life, university studies and careers. Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.  Students in this course may earn dual enrollment credit through Bergen Community College.

BCC LAN-201:  3 Credits

Prerequisite: French 3 CPE, H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This course is about the study of the French language and culture, designed to facilitate French conversation through watching culturally authentic film. The themes of the movies represent Francophone countries and parallel the AP exam themes (Contemporary Life, Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Private and Public Identities, Family and Society, and Beauty and Esthetics). Students will watch movies that explore both past and present daily life in a wide variety of themes, genres, and cultural experiences including, but not limited to, events of historical, social, and economic significance. This course is only available for seniors.

Prerequisite: French 3 CPE or French 3 H



This course is an advanced level course, which meets the needs of students that have achieved greater fluency and listening comprehension and wish to refine these skills.   Listening and speaking skills are continuously analyzed and evaluated. Reading continues with a variety of authentic selections discussed in French; writing skills are expanded to include analytical and creative formats. Communication through real-life situations such as global challenges, science and technology, contemporary life, and multi-media studies is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

**Students enrolled in this course are prepared for and expected to take the AP Examination in French Language.

Prerequisite:  French 4 H and students must have a teacher recommendation.




This course is the first course of a four-year sequence, however, enrollment is not restricted to students who wish to complete two years of a world language.  The course is designed for students new to the study of world languages.  Students will learn exciting aspects about the Italian culture including but not limited to la piazza, la Sicilia and Roma.  The students will be able to express themselves in presentational, interpretive and interpersonal modes of communication through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities.  Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.



This course is intended for students that have completed the equivalent of Italian 1 CPE. Students will improve their knowledge about the Italian culture including open-air markets, the role of the family and studying abroad.  The students will continue to improve their communication skills through presentational, interpretive and interpersonal modes of communication.  There is a continued emphasis to combine reading, writing, listening and speaking into daily lessons and forms of assessment. Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite:  Italian 1 CPE



This course initiates the intermediate level of study and further develops the five basic skills developed in level one and two Italian.  Some cultural aspects discussed are sports and politics.  The students will become more comfortable expressing themselves in the interpretive, presentational and interpersonal modes of communication.   Communication in real life is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite:  Italian 2 CPE



This course is designed for highly self-motivated students with an interest in the Italian language and culture.  The students will profit from more advanced reading selections and listening practice. Students enrolled in the Italian 3 Honors course will proceed more rapidly with language structure exercises. The class will be instructed entirely in Italian. Students in this course will continue to advance their interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication.

Prerequisite: Italian 2 CPE and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.





This course is designed to expose the students to a fourth year of study and to continue to develop an increased awareness of the interpretive, presentational and interpersonal skills through reading, writing, speaking and listening. Emphasis is given to contemporary issues and the vast culture of the Italian-speaking world; Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the students that have achieved greater fluency and listening comprehension and wish to refine these skills.   Listening and speaking skills are continuously analyzed and evaluated.  Reading continues with a variety of authentic selections discussed in Italian; writing skills are expanded to include analytical and creative formats. Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.  This course is not designed to prepare the student for AP Italian 5.

Prerequisite: Italian 3 CPE, H



This course is an intermediate/high level course that is designed for those students who have demonstrated a superior aptitude and performance in the development of the major skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening and culture, emphasized in a world languages classroom. This course will progress at a brisk pace and emphasis will be placed on the interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes of communication. Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.  Students in this course may earn dual enrollment credit through Bergen Community College.

BCC LAN-221:  3 Credits

Prerequisite: Italian 3 CPE, H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This course is about the study of the Italian language and culture, designed to facilitate Italian conversation through watching culturally authentic film. The themes of the movies represent Italy and parallel the AP exam themes (Contemporary Life, Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Private and Public Identities, Family and Society, and Beauty and Esthetics). Students will watch movies that explore both past and present daily life in a wide variety of themes, genres, and cultural experiences including, but not limited to, events of historical, social, and economic significance. This course is only available for seniors.

Prerequisite: Italian 3 CPE, H



This course is an advanced level course, which meets the needs of students that have achieved greater fluency and listening comprehension and wish to refine these skills.   Listening and speaking skills are continuously analyzed and evaluated.  Reading continues with a variety of authentic selections discussed in Italian; writing skills are expanded to include analytical and creative formats. Communication in real life situations is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

**Students enrolled in this course are prepared for and expected to take the AP Examination in Italian Language.

Prerequisite:  Italian 4 H and students must have a teacher recommendation. 



This course is the first course of a two-year sequence.  The course is designed for novice students or students new to the study of world languages.  Students who wish to study Spanish, but find the pacing of the CPE program too rapid and too inclusive, will find this course to be appropriate for their needs.  Students must have teacher/counselor/case-manager recommendation to be placed into the CP program.  This course is not designed to prepare the student for Spanish 2 CPE.


Students will learn exciting aspects about the Hispanic culture and will be able to express themselves in presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication. Students will be exposed to the following themes: physical and personality traits, likes and dislikes, sports and leisure activities, school events and classes, locations within the community, and the home and household chores through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.



This course is the first course of a four-year sequence; however, enrollment is not restricted to students who wish to complete two years of a world language.  The course is designed for students new to the study of world languages.  Students will learn exciting aspects about the Hispanic culture and will be able to express themselves in presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities.  Students will be able to communicate about topics including likes and dislikes, leisure activities, the school, places in the community, food and restaurants, health and exercise, family and celebrations, and the home.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.



This course is the second course of a two-year sequence.  The course is designed for students who wish to continue a second year of Spanish, but find the pacing of the CPE sequence too rapid and too inclusive.  Students wishing to take this course must be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, in addition to having teacher/counselor/case-manager recommendation to be placed into the CP program. This course is not designed to prepare the student for Spanish 3 CPE.


Students will improve their knowledge about the Hispanic culture and will continue to improve their communication skills through presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication and explore such topics as food and restaurants, daily routines and health, clothing and shopping, holidays and celebrations, and travel. There is a continued emphasis to continue reading, writing, listening, and, speaking skills into daily lessons and forms of assessment.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 1 CP



This course is intended for students who have completed the equivalent of Spanish 1 CPE.  Students will improve their knowledge about the Hispanic culture and expand their communication skills to include discussions about school and extra-curricular activities, daily routines, shopping and clothing, childhood pastimes, holidays and special celebrations, and issues impacting the environment.  The students will continue to improve their communication skills through presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal modes of communication.  There is a continued emphasis to combine reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills into daily lessons and forms of assessment.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 1 CPE



This course initiates the intermediate level of study and further develops the five basic skills developed in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 at the CPE level.  The students will be exposed to topics including sports and entertainment, outdoor activities, the arts and artists, health, food, and nutrition, volunteerism and community work, and careers and higher education.  The students will become more comfortable expressing themselves in the interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal modes of communication. Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 2 CPE


This course is designed for highly self-motivated students with an interest in the Spanish language and culture.  The students will profit from more advanced reading selections and listening practice. Students enrolled in the Spanish 3 Honors course will proceed more rapidly with language structure exercises. The class will be instructed entirely in Spanish. Students in this course will continue to advance their interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication.

Prerequisite: Spanish 2 CPE and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This course is designed to expose the students to a fourth year of study and to continue to develop an increased awareness of the interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal skills through reading, writing, speaking and listening activities.  Emphasis is given to contemporary issues including, festivals and holidays, youth and family, Latin American presence in the United States, the educational system, and the customs and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. This course is not designed to prepare the student for AP Spanish 5.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 3 CPE, H



This course is an intermediate/advanced level course that is designed for those students who have demonstrated a superior aptitude and performance in the development of the major skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture.  The honors course will progress at a brisk pace and emphasis will be placed on the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The students will discuss topics including fashion and style, travel, health, and the history of Spain.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Students in this course may earn dual enrollment credit through Bergen Community College. 

BCC LAN-231: 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Spanish 3 CPE, H and students must have a teacher recommendation for placement in the Honors program.



This course is about the study of the Spanish language and culture, designed to facilitate Spanish conversation through watching culturally authentic film. The themes of the movies represent Spanish-speaking countries and parallel the AP exam themes (Contemporary Life, Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Private and Public Identities, Family and Society, and Beauty and Esthetics). Students will watch movies that explore both past and present daily life in a wide variety of themes, genres, and cultural experiences including, but not limited to, events of historical, social, and economic significance. This course is only available for seniors.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 3 CPE or Spanish 3 H



This course is an advanced level course, which meets the needs of students who have achieved greater fluency and listening comprehension and wish to refine these skills.   Listening and speaking skills are continuously analyzed and evaluated.  Reading continues with a variety of authentic selections discussed in Spanish; writing skills are expanded to include analytical and creative formats. Course discussions, writing prompts, and readings will centralize around the global themes of technology, politics, commerce, education, sports, health and medicine, arts and entertainment, tourism, and the environment.  Communication is the number one goal for the district, meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

**Students enrolled in this course are prepared for and expected to take the AP Examination in Spanish Language.

Prerequisite:  Spanish 4 H and students must have a teacher recommendation