The Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District is offering a four-year sequence of high school aviation STEM courses developed by the Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association (AOPA). The purpose of this four-year program is for students to learn aviation concepts, skills, and understandings, prepare students for written exams leading to industry credentials (FAA Private Pilot written exam or P107 Remote Pilot Certification written exam), and excite students with possible career options in the field of aviation.
Aviation and Aerospace (5 credits, CPE level) will be offered to all students, with preferential seating given to 9th-grade students interested in pursuing the 4-year sequence of courses. The program continues during the second-year course, Physics of Flight, which is a 7.5 credit CPE-level laboratory-based science course. Years three and four provide students with choice to pursue the Pilot or Drone Pathway. The AOPA program culminates in a capstone research course. Please click through the presentations below for additional information about the program and the four-year course sequence.
For more information, please visit the AOPA’s You Can Fly! website for high schools and information about the High School Aviation STEM Curriculum.
Mrs. Angela Manzi, District Supervisor of Science
[email protected] | 201.337.0100 IH ext. 3358 & RHS ext 2258
Dr. Melissa Quackenbush, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Articulation
[email protected] | 201.416.8100 ext. 3819